Monument Of Yaroslav The Wise (Mudry)

 ¿Qué ver en Monument of yaroslav the wise (mudry), Yaroslavl?

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The Monument of Yaroslav the Wise (Mudry) is located in the city of Yaroslavl, Russia. It is a bronze statue of Yaroslav the Wise, a prince and ruler of Kievan Rus from 1019 to 1054. The monument was erected in 2003 to commemorate the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslav's death.

There is no entrance fee to visit the monument and its surroundings. The area is open to the public 24/7.

Unfortunately, there is no official website available for the monument.

Nearby attractions include the Yaroslavl Art Museum, which is open from 10am to 6pm daily except Mondays, and the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, which is open from 9am to 6pm daily. The Church of Elijah the Prophet is also located nearby and is open from 8am to 7pm daily.

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